Fairly widespread but local across our region, a miner of Dogwood Cornus sanguinea. Adults fly in sunshine. Mines and adults very similar to Antispila metallella which uses the same food-plant. Acceptable records of vacated mines will require an accurate measurement of the cut-out section.
Formerly known as Antispila treitschkiella but in 2018 was found to have been misidentified, treitschkiella being a separate species which feeds exclusively on Cornelian Cherry Cornus mas. Verification Grade Comment: Make sure host plant is Cornus sanguinea (Common Dogwood) | Determination by Genitalia Examination (gen. det.) Required | |
Recorded in 27 (35%) of 78 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1980. Last Recorded in 2022. (Data up to end 2022) |